
crown prince 皇太子。

crown princess

The game is introduced : you have a girlfriend very in love , go on a tour and is snatched away and closed in safeguarding the stern pagoda by the crown prince in dragon palace carelessly on the first , but no matter how difficultly you want , rescue girlfriend to answer you 游戲介紹:你有一個非常相愛的女朋友,一日出游不慎被龍宮太子搶走關在保衛森嚴的寶塔中,但無論多難你都要救回你的女朋友!

Then , in 1993 , she married crown prince naruhito , creating speculation about what this brilliant might achieve in a tradition - bound country that seemed in strong need of a modern female role model . but that was a long time ago 1993年,她嫁給了皇太子德仁,這引起了人們的猜測:在這個被傳統束縛看上去似乎很需要一位現代女性偶像的國度里,這位才華橫溢的平民王妃能做些什么呢。

Shih - hsien advises princess chang ping to surrender on the condition that the ming emperor and queen must by royally entombed while the crown prince must be released . the petition is granted . princess chang ping and shih - hsien are married in court 長平藏身維摩庵,在庵前被周之真情感動與其相認,及后長平上表清帝,終允所請,將崇禎遺骸入葬皇陵,同時釋放太子。

For many years , the empress and crown prince wan , her stepson , have had an illicit liaison . feeling trapped , prince wan dreams of escaping the palace with his secret love chan , the imperial doctor s daughter 征戰歸來的大王對一切洞若觀火,他召回流放在外的二王子元杰,并且格外關心王后的病情,令她按時服藥流光溢彩的宮廷中,誰都深藏天大秘隱,誰都擺脫不了至命弱點。

Copenhagen , denmark ? rotary international ' s 97th annual convention officially kicked off on sunday as characters in historical costumes and dancers welcomed rotarians and the crown prince and crown princess of denmark to the opening session ?麥哥本哈根-國際扶?第97屆國際?會星期日正式展開時,穿著古裝的?史人物及舞者歡迎扶?社員及?麥王子及王妃蒞?開幕會議。

Aiko , a big fan of the ancient sport of sumo , according to her father crown prince naruhito , appeared a bit perplexed , if not scared , by the welcome she received by the magic kingdom ' s symbols , mickey and minnie mouse 據路透社3月13日報道,日本小公主愛子將于4月份開始上幼兒園,皇太子夫婦最近一周里常常帶她出宮,愛子也開始像其他同齡小朋友一樣外出游玩。

On october 4 his imperial highness the crown prince boarded a water bus from the emergency use pier at akashicho , chuo ward to inspect the port of tokyo and the waterfront area along the sumidagawa river 皇太子視察東京港10月4日皇太子在明石町防災用碼頭登上水上巴士,視察東京港和隅田川流域。從大學時代起,皇太子就已經開始致力于水上交通的調查。

Dutch crown prince alexander and his wife maxi - ma , hold their baby princess cathari - na - amalia as they arrive for amalia ' s christening at the saint jacobs church in the hague , saturday june 12 , 2004 6月12日(周六) ,在荷蘭海牙的圣?雅各布斯科克教堂里,荷蘭王儲亞歷山大和妻子馬克西瑪王妃為他們的女兒凱瑟琳娜-阿馬利婭公主舉行洗禮。

Cheung is “ little white dragon “ , a noblewoman and a kung fu hero whose beauty soon caught the eyes of the crown prince . he sent white dragon to capture an assassin , a blind swordsman 由于黑鳳所接收的功力于體內竄走,導致燥熱生瘡,解決方法是要行善積德,憑著一顆善心才能把體內氣色調和,渾圓體內脈絡后濃瘡自會消去。

The baby prince , who has not yet been named , is expected to be the 128th emperor of japan after his grandfather , emperor akihito , his uncle crown prince naruhito , and his father , prince akishino 這個尚未命名的小皇子,將是繼他祖父明仁、他伯伯德仁皇太子和他父親二皇子文仁之后,第一百二十八位日皇。

As a girl grown up in a single - parent family , diana took the crown prince ' s proposal as a ticket to happiness , and accepted with boundless joy , for she loved charles so much 作為一個在單親家庭成長的女孩,由于深愛查爾斯,戴安娜把學習皇儲禮儀作為獲取幸福的唯一途徑,從中感受到了無盡的樂趣。

An undated handout photo of brunei ' s crown prince al - muhtadee bolkiah ( l ) with his bride - to - be sarah salleh in bandar seri begawan . the royal couple will marry on thursday 這是文萊王儲穆赫塔迪?比拉(左)和準新娘薩拉?薩萊赫在斯里巴加灣港的資料照片。他們的婚禮將于周四( 9日)舉行。

Spain ' s crown princess letizia gave birth monday to her first child , a girl who becomes second in line to the throne after her father crown prince felipe 西班牙王妃萊蒂齊亞本周一順利產下一名女嬰,這是她的第一個孩子。這位小公主是王位的第二繼承人,排在她的父親費利佩王儲之后。

But when white dragon and the blind swordsman subsequently fall for each other , they decide to world together and combat the crown prince , who has a sinister plan of his own 為了能以最完美面貌與二皇子相見,黑鳳身穿一身白衣,于城內劫富濟貧,飛俠小白美譽從此而來。

Spain ' s crown princess letizia gave birth monday to her first child , a girl who becomes second in line to the throne after her father crown prince felipe 西班牙王妃生下小公主女嬰成為王位第二繼承人西班牙王妃萊蒂齊亞本周一順利產下一名女嬰,這是她的第一個孩子。

One day , she hears unexpected news that , based on her late grandfather ' s will , she must marry the unfriendly and emotionless crown prince li xin who attends the same school 有一天,彩靜得到一個驚人消息,因為她的祖父與去世君主有約,不久她就要與皇太子李信結婚。

Accompanying the king and queen of norway was crown prince haakon and his wife crown princess mette - marit , who is eight months pregnant 陪同挪威國王和王后前來訪問的還有哈康王儲和他的夫人梅特?瑪麗特王妃,王妃已經懷有8個月身孕。

Accompanying the king and queen of norway was crown prince haakon and his wife crown princess mette - marit , who is eight months pregnant 陪同挪威國王和王后前來訪問的還有哈康王儲和他的夫人梅特瑪麗特王妃,王妃已經懷有8個月身孕。

Crown prince naruhito and his wife , masako , have a four - year old daughter , aiko , but under law women are not eligible to take the throne 皇太子德仁和他的妻子雅子有個四歲的女兒愛子,但日本憲法規定,女性不能繼承皇位。